
Content Marketing

Good content - abundant message content

Planning, preparation, publication of content

Relationships, interactions and positioning

Content marketing - the triumph of quality

Content marketing, what exactly is this phenomenon? What does it offer and is it even worth paying more attention to? In a telegraphic nutshell: it's definitely worth it. If you want to learn more - read on.

Content marketing is a marketing strategy, the essence of which lies in the creation and distribution of valuable content to a specific target audience. Optimized content marketing activities build a company's image and relationships with optional customers. They are of considerable importance in the process of positioning a website. Ultimately, they can impressively multiply profits.

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Content marketing – what does it mean?

Content in English literally means “content,” but also “the essence of something.” Combined with the second part of the name, the term content marketing literally means content marketing, although it is translated into Polish as content marketing.

In the Polish language there are many synonyms for the word content, e.g. content (by the way), sense, essence, substance, theme, problematic, subject, essence, or quintessence. Each of these words is entirely appropriate for content marketing. And this is true even if we step away from literalism for a moment – for content marketing today is the subject of effective online activity.

Why do we stop at translating words? The answer is simple – when we look at the terms, the phenomenon itself will become clearer.

We skip the detailed translation of the term “marketing”, assuming that it is at least roughly clear to anyone who reads this text. As a reminder and a certain systematization, we only mention that marketing as such is a system of actions in the way of needs (of individuals and groups) and their fulfillment.

Content marketing – content marketing, or what?

Content marketing, or content marketing in Polish, puts content at the center of its focus and activities. But what is “content”? Is it exclusively text? Well, no. Content is what we call meaning, meaningful content, the essence of a concept. Thus, the carrier of content is as much a word as an image or sound. The form is arbitrary – it is the meaning that counts. The most popular forms of content in the area of content marketing are:

The content marketing tools used should be continuously analyzed for effectiveness based on the specifics of the action taken. Content distribution is a strategic issue here, without which all the effort in creating unique content, could go to waste. After all, it is necessary to define the target audience fairly precisely and communicate with it through the appropriate channel.

Once we know what the concept of content marketing means and what forms it most often takes, we can move on to the substance.

Three main benefits offered by content marketing

Did you know that according to a study conducted by ContentStream, before a customer makes a purchase of a particular item, he or she goes to more than 10 sources of information about it? So by creating good content, you are responding to your audience’s needs, making it easier for them to choose – and they will appreciate that.

With a strategy like content marketing, you can increase the number of leads threefold.

Content marketing – the triumph of quality over quantity

Quality is another keyword of the content marketing issue. By betting on the quality of the message, we offer the recipient valuable content and thus build trust with him. The recipient of a message who recognizes us as a good source of information – will almost certainly return for more, and after a shorter or longer time – will use the services we offer or recommend, or buy a product. Content marketing is therefore focused on dialogue, building lasting relationships and bonds that result in audience/consumer loyalty. It is more of a strategy than a one-off campaign.

Bill Gates, in one of his essays, wrote down the telling words: Content is a king (literally: content is king). The slogan is often quoted, and has been paraphrased in perhaps every possible way.

One of our favorite references is the slogan: Content is not a king. It’s a kingdom (meaning: content is not a king. It’s a kingdom). How much more room to operate, right?

Content marketing vs. SEO

Linking used to be a key issue in promoting and building a website’s position. The more – the better. However, the situation has changed dramatically with updates to the Google search engine. Algorithms began to promote mainly content of substantive value, which meant that SEO specialists had to heavily redirect activities, changing tactics and strategy. Linking occurs much more naturally in content marketing, supporting a site’s positioning, but not necessarily being the main tool for improving its visibility.

Content marketing activities should closely relate to SEO activities – they will then be an extremely effective SEO tool. The content created, in addition to the paradigm of quality, should be optimized. It is worth noting that skillful optimization of content, does not stand in opposition to its quality and friendliness to the reader. This is why good SEO copywriting is so important. The potential of written blog articles, website content or even product descriptions cannot be overestimated. Correct optimization of content also means taking care of graphic content, its adaptation for the search engine.

It is also worth noting the interactive forms of content (live chats, quizzes, virtual polls) that are gaining popularity every day.

Content marketing for your business

Quality content is a key ranking factor for search engines today, determining a site’s visibility in Google. A company that pretends to be a brand that wants to reach a specific audience and build relationships with them should invest time and energy in content marketing activities. Among the most common types of content marketing tools used today, one can include:

What is your content like?

It is worth analyzing how you communicate with your potential customers. Is the information you provide reliably crafted and useful? Are they optimized for SEO? Does your image form a cohesive whole, not excluding the language of communication or visual identity? Often companies, even if they undertake the development of a brand strategy themselves, are unable to implement its paradigms on their own.

With the help of expertise comes specialists – Re Bena Gesta interactive agency. Take a look at our offer and see what we can do well for you.

  1. Blog and expert articles

    Expert articles are a space to show yourself as an expert in a particular field, promote and build your brand image as trustworthy. Regular publication of content on a company's blog builds lasting relationships with the audience - and this is the basis of (not only) content marketing.

  2. Content for websites

    High-quality website content and constant updates influence brand credibility, attract users' attention, encourage them to explore the site's content and have a great impact on SEO.

  3. SEO copywriting

    Without unique and valuable content, positioning and branding is almost impossible. Reliably developed texts, intended for publication on external portals, are rich not only in content, but also in links. Each blog article should also meet SEO guidelines.

  4. Product descriptions

    Creating a search engine optimized and, above all, useful, inviting and attractive product description is an important part of the content of any online store. Good text and properly selected graphics - that's it!

  5. E-book

    Top-quality content developed in the form of e-books, case studies or how-to guides not only builds the brand's image as an expert in the industry, but also attracts interest from users.

  6. Whisper marketing

    First of all, you need to concretize, define your target audience and determine the most effective channels for communicating with them. Then you can either aim to establish a discussion on a specific topic or take part in an existing one.


FAQFrequently asked

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is, in other words, content marketing. It involves the pursuit of a given goal, which is often, for example, to increase traffic to a website, through the publication of valuable content, messages, communications.


Importantly, content marketing includes not only content in the form of text. It’s a whole strategy around it. Content (content) also includes, for example, graphics or infographics.


What are the elements of a content marketing strategy?

First of all, you need to set goals – tactical, strategic, business goals. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). Next, you need to define and identify your audience and get to know them as well as possible. The next step is to analyze the situation – yours and that of your competitors. You need to be aware of your resources. Later, prepare a plan for content distribution and publication. And don’t forget analytical tools to determine the effectiveness of your activities.


If you feel a bit overwhelmed, remember that you can always outsource the development of a content marketing strategy, its implementation and ongoing monitoring to specialists such as our team.

Is it worth investing time, attention and resources just in content marketing?

Yes. Content marketing statistically generates three times more leads than any other form of marketing.

However, profit prospects are not the only ones in favor of content marketing. By pursuing it, we focus on the quality of content, contribute to the development of knowledge, and promote precisely knowledge, not guesses, rumors and adages.

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