
Advertising can make you tired, or how to make minimalism effective

Advertising can make you tired, or how to make minimalism effective

The above words are not a reference to the state of burnout among employees of creative departments creative departments, nor are they a hypothesis made on the dethroning of advertising as the the most recognizable marketing message, they only signal a problem, that can be avoided by remembering what previous generations left us in a still relevant proverb: “What’s too much is unhealthy.” For it turns out that marketing tools marketing tools should be used with forethought, showing dexterity worthy of a master juggler.

It’s not about just talking

So what if a well-constructed advertisement as a proven and by many valued way of communicating on the entrepreneur-customer level unexpectedly stops working or even begins to harm the company’s image?

Professor Jacek Kall, in his publication on advertising, writes that due to repeated contact of the recipient with the same advertising content, wear-out or fatigue may occur, and as a consequence the effectiveness of advertising may decrease, which may become unnoticeable or even irritate the recipient. And although Kall, in describing this phenomenon, refers to the press, this observation can certainly be transferred to online marketing, where the form of the message is more intense due to its interactivity. Most discerning observers of the marketing world well remember the negative consequences of the massive promotional activities of the now defunct e-commerce company, which in its most recognizable advertising spots regaled millions of users with the melody of a popular online children’s song about a family of sharks.

A well-designed marketing strategy does not lead to persistence, because it owes its success to the visibility of the product while not making the ad pushy, creating different versions of the same message within a single campaign and, most importantly, splicing the ad with other digital marketing tools.

And that’s what matters, as they say

Skilled Internet users can recognize advertising messages and separate them from non-commercial content, and quickly decide their future fate. Virtual audiences using social media can elevate an advertising message to a pedestal of creativity or knock it down to the hell of memes and incessant jokes. Nothing escapes this harsh judge. An informed viewer knows at least one ad that he or she holds in high esteem that has remained in his or her memory as an example of a marketing masterpiece. Such marketing messages travel the Internet at the speed of light, and even become part of the culture, inspiring action or being an opening for discourse.

People with imagination and great ideas are often responsible for huge successes, and their great ideas need to be given shape and all actions optimized. In the entire commercial process of communication between the brand and the customer, from the creation of a product or service to sales and customer support, elements such as planning, coordination, control and detailed analysis of all marketing activities in a holistic manner are necessary. In the absence of a staff adequately specialized in this area, external consulting will be useful.

Good wins

Users of social media and websites are eager to appreciate those contents that have been made with true craftsmanship, a love of aesthetics and taking into account the intelligence and knowledge of the viewer. Advertising materials that not only visualize a product or service and commercialize it, but also inspire or trigger the the need to share the message itself in the form of a film, photograph or text by sharing it, deserve to be called interdisciplinary, because they go beyond the framework of marketing, becoming cultural texts.

The most important thing is that after solidly planned and implemented activities, they should reap a fertile harvest not only in the form of high results, but also wide and long-term recognition.