

Consulting - [re]cept for success

Ad hoc or long-term consulting

Quick [re]action on the results of effectiveness analyses

Consulting - better to ask the way than to go astray

The range of our services in the area of designing and carrying out activities on the Internet also includes professional consulting. We provide comprehensive consulting related to effective activity on the Internet.

Based on our knowledge, many years of experience and courses and trainings in which we had the opportunity to participate, we can offer an alternative form of cooperation, which is just consulting.

Our Customers

Carolina Toyota Bielsko
Karcher Apeks
Orange Animations Studio
10 years





completed project


average ecommerce sales growth


average increase in organic traffic in projects


Google's average keyword growth

This cooperation is based on regular – weekly, monthly or quarterly meetings, at which we discuss issues important to you and your company. We set goals and create a path to achieve them, taking into account the most important values that guide the company. The consulting proposal is addressed primarily to individuals and companies, who have their own IT and marketing background. W many companies we encounter a situation in which the very visible great potential of the entire team, the resources are sufficient to carry out more effective activities, but there is a lack of set goals and a properly chosen path to achieve them. In such a context, it even it seems necessary to use the full potential offered by the Internet, and consulting becomes the chief signpost on the road to better and better results.


Consulting – the scope of cooperation in consulting

The scope of activities within the consulting service can be determined freely. This is because we deal with many areas related to the broader Internet marketing in the broadest sense. These include branding, UX and UI analytics, SEO, PPC campaigns and, above all, broadly increasing traffic to your web project, as well as improving conversions.

The final success always depends on a large number of factors, which is definitely worth bearing in mind. Isolated action in one channel is not the best solution. Today, each of us – before deciding whether to opt for a particular product or service, must interact with a brand 4-6 times. We check the company on social media – on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. We analyze the information available on the website. We review the LinkedIn of the owner or referral contact. The process of obtaining information is extremely simple and easy these days – that’s why we all do it.

There are also targeted activities – advertising campaigns on social media, content marketing conducted on a blog, or sponsored articles on reputable sites. If you want to be effective in your marketing efforts, you need to keep in mind the many channels and that the final verdict depends on the sum of the small actions performed every day in each channel. That’s what makes a brand.

Consulting – what can we advise you?

We will be happy to suggest what you should do in one of the areas mentioned above to increase your effectiveness. Remember, however, that the development process is usually long-term and requires time and adjustments made on an ongoing basis. It is very difficult to achieve the expected results right away. It takes time and learning from the actions taken.

What do we focus on in consulting?

We typically carve out paths to achieve measurable goals. We focus primarily on what we can do better. We propose solutions that aim for specific results, such as changes in branding, changes in the way the brand communicates, or changes in traffic acquisition channels. Sometimes we also participate in the entire process as an executive. This is usually the case when there are no certain departments in the company or they do not function at a sufficient level. Then we implement some of the concepts presented in-house, which allows us to remain confident that it will be a job well done.

Various forms of consulting – consulting Re Ben Gesta

As part of providing consulting services, we allow contact through various communication channels. We can conduct phone calls, consultations on Zoom, Skype, or any other communicator. It is not necessary to meet in person, but it is clear that face-to-face meetings are the best form of communication. We can convey expressions and express our emotions in a simpler way. Many elements can be discussed more simply and quickly in this way.

It also happens that consulting is more ad hoc and one-time, rather than long-term. In such a situation, we agree on the topic we want to discuss and the hourly rate, and proceed to discuss the topic. Of course – this type of session can be repeated.

It is worth remembering that the best results come from long-term cooperation based on solid foundations and setting ambitious but achievable goals, and acting on current results.

  1. A new brand?

    If you are about to launch a new brand, you probably need a plan of action on the Internet. We can lead you into deep waters, set the compass and even hold the reins. That's what consulting may turn out to be in your case.

  2. How about [re]vitalizing your brand?

    If your brand needs to undertake radical changes in strategy and operations - consulting may turn out to be a key starting point for you. We'll tell you what to do and how best to do it to get your brand back on the market with momentum.

  3. Stay on the wave

    Improving the performance results of online activities is our specialty. If you are running a business and want to keep your hand on the pulse, not fall in the rankings and improve results at the same time - consulting will be the perfect solution for you. Remember - stagnation is going backwards. Set your sights on growth.

  4. Let's set goals

    The bottom line. Realistic, verifiable goals are the point on the horizon that we strive for together. If your brand doesn't have very well identified goals, we'll help you construct them and set an action plan to gain a competitive edge.

  5. Let's emphasize identity

    Standing out from the competition is often the way to the hearts and minds of minds of customers. How do you emphasize your brand identity? How to bring it closer to your customers? How to build a relationship with them? Consulting will provide you with concrete answers.


FAQFrequently asked

What is internet marketing consulting?

As part of consulting, or advisory, we will help you plan and/or implement optimal solutions in the area of wide-ranging online activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of your business, improving its performance. The scope of consulting is huge. If you have doubts about the rightness of the decisions made in the area of conducting business on the Internet – do not hesitate – he who asks, does not err.

Who is consulting aimed at?

Consulting service is aimed at anyone who in any form functions or intends to function on the Internet and wants to show good results of this activity. Whether you are just planning to set up an e-store, or your business has been operating for years and actually just needs consulting – this offer is for you.

Remember that trends and models for conducting online activities are changing rapidly. For example, if your website is already several years old and no changes have been made to it – it certainly needs revitalization to bring you real profits.


Can I get one-time advice, but do I need to opt for ongoing consulting?

Long-term actions bring the best results – we emphasize this fact, as we observe and experience it multidimensionally on a daily basis. However, if you only need immediate advice – prepare your questions and contact us. Of course – we will help.

We usually propose a system of periodic consultations – meetings (live or online) can be held weekly, monthly or quarterly. We arrange everything individually – the scope and frequency of discussions as wel

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