
Brand strategy

Map and compass on the journey to the top

Credo of a company that wants to remain a brand

Building, creating, creating - you have a way to do it!

Brand strategy - positioning the brand in the mind of the audience

A brand is a meticulously built structure, consisting of the feelings and emotions of the audience. To be strong, it needs a solid foundation - a logo with the entire visual identity, online activity, and even a product or services that are the core of the company - are the components. What distinguishes strong brands from weak ones - is the brand strategy.

Don't search in the dark for a path to success - let us guide you.
By offering your company to develop a brand strategy, we offer you a personalized map of the road to the top of the opportunity!

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Brand strategy – [re]cept for success

A brand strategy outlines the brand’s philosophy – how it functions, communicates, builds lasting relationships and the direction to follow. Having a brand strategy leads to building audience trust – the brand becomes “wanted,” functioning as an entity rather than a collection of offers and inconsistent information. The subjectivity of a brand sets it apart, makes it unique, memorable and recognizable. In the end, brand strategy is a plan and specific guidelines, developed through precise research and analysis, and long-term actio

Brand strategy – as they see you, so they … buy you

As humans, we are all emotional beings, and whether we like it or not, not only do we have feelings, but we are also – more or less consciously – guided by them in our choices and actions. This applies to us, to you, but also to your audience – how they perceive you reflects directly on sales. The recipient you convince – will become your customer. And this is more or less what developing a brand strategy is all about.

Building an identity – brand strategy

Brand strategy is the basic reference of all marketing (and other) activities of a company. Building a strategy implies analyzing many aspects of the company’s functioning and the contexts of this functioning (such as competitive analysis). In general, any brand strategy should include a diagnosis of the situation (collection and synthesis of information about the company, market research and analysis of the competition, etc.), the main recommendations (that is, responding to the diagnosed problems and setting a direction to follow, creating a brand brief and visual identity), and designing and planning coherent activities.

What does a brand strategy deliver?

Without a doubt, the investment in brand strategy always pays off. A comprehensive action plan, including, among other things:

Promotes the company and its products/services, informs audiences/customers, increases brand awareness and recognition, shapes the image and builds a strong position in the market, and contributes to audience trust and customer loyalty.

Brand strategy and its archetype – who are you, what/who are you and how do you express it?

The basic questions that initially need to be asked are about the brand’s architecture, its history, its mission, the values it professes and represents, its core. Next, it is necessary to look at what the brand is – what its characteristics are and what sets it apart from the competition. Only later is the way the brand expresses itself, the form and tone of communication, the conduct, but also the visual identity, slogans and symbols, as well as the content made available, analyzed.

One of the elementary stages of developing a brand strategy is defining its archetype. We do this extremely carefully – the clarification of the archetype (or archetypes – there can be more than just one) sets the course of action, especially in terms of communication.

Target group vs. communication

An essential element in developing a brand strategy is identifying, researching and analyzing the target audience. Knowing to whom we are directing messages is crucial. Once we know the needs, expectations, behavioral, demographic and psychographic conditions, we can refine the language of communication, concretize the ways and channels of communication to reach the recipient as precisely as possible. First, however, we need to answer some seemingly simple questions:

Determining the audience determines the communication with them. Messages will be built differently to teenagers, differently to millenials, and still differently to mothers or elderly people, in addition to those who are grandparents and grandmothers. Communication channels will also be different – while an active Facebook profile is already a must for everyone (learn more about Facebook marketing for local businesses), if you want to reach young people – Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok will also be necessary. For older people, non-virtual space, messages in local newspapers, or on buses may be more effective. Of course, demographic factors serve here as the simplest possible example – the question of audience diversity and characteristics goes much further and is a complex issue.

Message – it’s not just words

Of great importance, not only from the perspective of building brand awareness or maintaining its position in the market, is the content – that is, what we say, the clou of our message. Valuable content builds a company’s credibility, enhances its position, strengthens its authority and builds trust with its audience. This is what effective copywriting is.

Speaking of communication, you can’t miss a very important point: a message is everything you direct (more or less intentionally) to the recipient – your behavior, your wordiness, the way you self-present yourself (and not just the presentation itself), your image and your entire visual identity, your attention to detail, and so on.

Brand strategy – maybe it’s its charm, maybe it’s… visual identification

What many entrepreneurs may find hard to swallow, visual identity should not be based primarily on personal preferences and tastes. For us, working on the visual representation of the brand is not an indifferent factor, but we know that what really matters is achieving the business goal. Therefore, we create for each brand a consistent visual system that will distinguish it from the competition, while meeting the preferences of the target group.


Brand strategy is the creative concept of the brand’s existence in the minds of the audience. It is the development of a coherent system for the operation of a company based on its character, history, values, appearance, modes of communication, tools and channels of communication. Brand strategy is a plan and its long-term implementation.

Building a brand image is a long and arduous process, requiring a very broad perspective on the phenomenon of a brand – what it is, what it presents itself as and what it would like to be perceived as. In addition, developing a brand strategy requires knowledge of many disciplines, determination and patience. But it is a game worth the candle – an investment that always pays off – just like a seo or ux audit.

Re Bena Gesta interactive agency has its own reliable way of constructing brand strategy. Through creative solutions, we offer you high value perception of your brand. Do you want to learn more? Make the right decision – contact us.

  1. Individual brand strategy

    While the name may suggest otherwise, this type of strategy is about introducing differentiated products or services (in terms of, for example, quality, price, type) and branding them separately.

  2. Family brand strategy

    The strategy involves a whole line of products, or services, appearing under the same common name. In this case, it is much easier to build brand recognition.

  3. Multi-brand strategy

    A given company has several brands or families of brands, each of which targets a different audience. This makes it easier to maintain trust among the audience, even in the situation of a negative experience with one of the brands.

  4. Combination brand strategy

    Combining a family brand strategy with an individual brand strategy. A certain group of similar services, or products, operate under one family brand name, while others remain separate brands.

  5. Extended brand strategy

    When an individual brand's offerings are expanded, a family brand is created. This also applies to family brands that have expanded their assortment to include completely different products from those previously offered.


FAQFrequently asked

What if I target all people? My target audience is universal

Imagine a representative group of “all the people” that we convene in the square. There are women, children, men, adults, old people, there is a Pole and there is also an Indian, a Greek, an Australian, a Mexican, a Kenyan. There is a doctor and a blind man, a bush man and a scientist, a rich man and a homeless man. Each is different and each is your target group. What would you say to them? And in what language? Esperanto is a great concept, but how many people do you know who speak the language fluently?

The target group should be defined. You then respond to specific groups of needs, speak a specific language, offer specific solutions.

Sometimes you can still hear the old adage proclaiming that if something is for everything, it is… for nothing. The same is true of messaging.

How long have the principles in the brand strategy been in effect?

At least until the set goals are achieved.

Brand strategy implies long-term activities. It is the development of a concept for appearing in the market, functioning and staying there. Brand strategy is aimed at clearly defined goals. Moreover, it defines the brand’s identity, derives from its vision or values – and these, after all, usually remain permanent.

What’s different is if, monitoring the results on an ongoing basis, we see clear downward trends and anticipate an impending crisis. Then it is necessary to analyze the situation, identify the problem, solve it and make any adjustments to the action plan.

Are you able to develop a brand strategy for me?

Of course. We often emphasize the comprehensiveness of our efforts, and branding is no different. We have the resources to create for you every element of the system that will embed your brand in reality in a winning position.

Contact us and we will present you with a sample brand strategy.

I'd like to get a better understanding of what brand strategy is all about - how to do it?

Above all, keep your eyes open, watch and read – for example, our blog, where you will find valuable posts such as:

How to get your audience interested? Generate engagement!

Branding – a decalogue for effective online branding

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