
SEO – what’s included in it in 2022?

SEO – what’s included in it in 2022?

When we think of modern forms of website promotion, we no longer think only of fighting for top search engine positions. This is for a very simple reason – often even the first position does not give such results as the services included in modern SEO.

We are talking primarily about content marketing, and UX elements, which are the optimization of the feel of the site in Google, as well as buzz marketing or ads in the CPC (Cost Per Clic) model.

Only the synergy of all these elements allows you to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by advertising on the Internet. What is equally important – such a wide range of services also allows you to effectively manage your budget in the long term. It allows you at almost any time to direct your activities to another area, which can bring more favorable results.

Today, the twilight is slowly coming for agencies that only want to achieve top positions without focusing so much on traffic acquisition. The pay-for-performance model is also going away due to the fact that the lack of synergy can lower conversions, if only because of the lack of focus on UX-related activities. And today, effective SEO does not exist without good UX.


This is the optimization of the feel of a page on Google. Our goal in this area will be to define the page in the search results, by setting an appropriate title or description that the user receives as a result, and to examine whether the destination is actually the one that most optimally meets the users’ needs.

Proper SEO, i.e. optimizing a page for crawlers and users, greatly increases the chance of conversions (i.e. performing an action) on our site.

These are activities related to conscious branding by preparing press releases, or gaining links through business relationships with journalists or website owners.

A strategically placed press release can prove to be a very good source of traffic. At the same time, its acquisition costs can be low – barter cooperation is often possible.

Involves constant monitoring of a website and interpretation of the data available about it and its competitors. The analysis also includes data on the group of users engaging with the content we create, as well as the flow of users between subpages, along with studying the behavior of indexing robots.

SEO analysis

Effective analytics in SEO is actually the key to success. Learning from the work that has already been done lays the foundation for effective site management – it helps lower the possibility of failure, and also provides the answer to whether current marketing efforts are effective.

This is a series of activities in which we use appropriate software and tools designed to facilitate campaigns, customer interactions and data analysis. They allow us to create personalized content or offers, tailored to the current expectations of our website users?

Możliwość dostosowania działań do oczekiwań użytkowników tworzy otwarty korytarz do pozyskiwania ruchu i konwersji na stronie internetowej. Pozwala to stworzyć więź z użytkownikiem, który np. chętniej będzie udostępniał tworzone przez nas treści.

Combining paid activities with SEO allows, among other things, to occupy more space in search results and capture more queries for a given keyword.

In many cases, launching a paid campaign allows you to get your first customers. Interesting content and a well-optimized site allow you to create a bond and convince the customer to take action in the long-term horizon.

A combination of these activities can make the content you prepare shared on social media channels. This, in turn, greatly increases the chance that they will be viewed, and thus check out the offer on the website. Find out how we do social media marketing.

Social media marketing

It allows you to increase the reach of your published articles in a relatively simple way, while also allowing you to check behavior on the social network as well.

Activities that include the promotion of content – graphics, video and audio, the most important purpose of which is to show the functioning of the brand, its values and range of services. The creation of reliable, yet interesting materials can enable even an entire page of search results for a given phrase to be occupied.

Content marketing

Following the trends, it is worth repeating the slogan “Content is King”. Valuable content will always defend itself – both in the eyes of users and page indexing robots. Currently, there are no effective SEO activities without communicating value to users.

These are activities that indirectly increase visibility in organic search results. According to the assumption that in order for a customer to decide, for example, on our service, he must see our logo, advertisement, brochure 4 to 6 times, remarketing is an important element of promotion. It allows you to effectively make the customer memorable.

Targeting a different ad format to a user who has already seen our ad significantly increases the chance of conversions. As a rule – each subsequent time increases it, hence remarketing as an ad campaign format is so important.

Whisper marketing (buzz marketing) is another way to promote a site. By using tools such as Brand24 or SentiOne, we have the opportunity to promote the site in places where potential customers are looking for our services.

The cost of Buzz Marketing is relatively small, and these activities can significantly contribute to the effective promotion of the site on the Internet – linking, among other things, from thematic forums to the site of interest.

The above definitions, along with brief explanations, are intended to show that modern SEO is no longer just about optimizing a site or acquiring links, but also about many other activities that have a direct impact on the promotion of a site, both on Google and on social media.

The synergy of the above activities is the only sensible way to promote a site on the Internet.