
Facebook ADS

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Facebook Ads

Did you know that social media is used by nearly 54% of people on Earth? Facebook alone is used monthly by 2.8 billion people worldwide. And in Poland, out of 38 million citizens, as many as 21.5 million are Facebook users. Next to such a huge group of people you simply can not pass by indifferently if you aim to communicate anything. Even more so if the message is of a marketing nature.

Facebook offers impressive marketing opportunities. An excellent complement to running a Facebook page are advertising campaigns, the potential of which can hardly be overestimated. The system of ads on the world’s most popular social network is called Facebook Ads. We will now take a look at the specifics and opportunities it provides.

Facebook Ads – the possibilities of advertising reach

We have already pointed out the power of Facebook’s reach in the first paragraph. However, it is worth noting at the outset that Facebook owns other services, e.g. Messenger or Instagram – this means no less and no more that the ad emitted by a Facebook Ads campaign will also be displayed on these portals. The so-called Ads Manager allows you to target advertising content to specific groups of recipients – regardless of their classification criteria. And these can be quite different – from a division by interests, through age criteria, to location.

Specifying an audience is a milestone in developing a brand’s strategy and its method of communication. Facebook Ads immediately allows you to select user groups that potentially fit into the brand’s audience, and it is to them that you target specific content.

Facebook Ads – ad format

Facebook Ads campaigns can take a variety of forms, both textual, graphic and multimedia. Among the formats available on Facebook are:

Facebook Ads – the main advantages of the campaign

The benefits of running an ad campaign on Facebook are numerous almost like its users. The main advantages of Facebook Ads include:

Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Facebook Ads can probably revolutionize any business. It is an option that we recommend without hesitation. However, a peculiar distrust of Facebook and other social media is often still lingering.

Why be on Facebook at all?

Have you ever heard the slogan proclaiming that if you are not on Facebook, you do not exist? Initially, many people received it jokingly. However, time has shown that especially in the sphere of marketing, branding, running any business – it is firmly rooted in reality.

The importance of social media presence probably does not need to be explained to anyone. Today it is a real field of information exchange and promotion, advertising and marketing. Many of us closely follow the profiles of well-known brands and individuals. This is in some circles an indicator of status – the number of observers, the number of comments, the number of likes. Even if we take these numbers with a pinch of salt, there’s no denying that they are heavily opinionated today, and there’s no escaping from this in any way. On the contrary, we should take advantage of it.

Today there is no effective and rapid development without a reliably run social media. The reason is simple – anyone can just three clicks before engaging with us, get information about us even from several years ago. Then – by running our social media in an interesting way – we can gain a lot or it may turn out that the king is naked and there will be no cooperation.

Creating an image of yourself and your brand is an absolute must today if you think about growing, selling more and more and creating new products. There is no easier way to reach customers than using social media.

If we have 1000 friends, this is our first target group for a new idea. It’s a good idea to ask their opinion by publishing a post on your board… simple isn’t it? And best of all – it may happen that the discussion under the post becomes the foundation for taking specific action, or maybe it shows a new trend or accentuates a change. It’s hard to predict, but it shows in a very simple way how social media can be used.

And that’s just one element. After all, there are still sponsored posts, groups, fanpages, relationships…and of course Facebook Ads. The number of areas that can be used is really quite large. In addition to sponsored posts and ad campaigns, Facebook activities are free, which is a definite plus.

  1. Reach

    Facebook is used daily by more than 20 million Poles, the majority of the population. This gives you the opportunity to reach a huge audience with your marketing message. Facebook Ads also includes the display of ads on Instagram - that is, the social media platform with the greatest potential at the moment, constantly gliding upwards.

  2. Precision

    Facebook Ads allows you to reach your message to a specific audience, which you define yourself using such data as demographics or geography, among others. Not only that - you can precisely match users to the target group, guided by such criteria as interests and even behavior.

  3. Effects and their measurability

    You can observe and analyze the effectiveness of an advertising campaign almost immediately after its launch. You track results and costs in real time. Facebook Ads has analytical tools, with the help of which you can easily obtain data, statistics and other information helpful if only for planning further actions.

  4. Costs and profits

    You decide yourself how much money you spend on Facebook Ads. You set the budget and easily calculate the return on investment - ROAS shows how much each invested zloty has brought you.

  5. Added values?

    By opting for an advertising campaign with Facebook Ads, you build recognition and awareness of your brand. Increased conversion rates and sales are valuable, measurable gains, but it's the image building and credibility that will bring long-term and comprehensive benefits.


FAQFrequently asked

What can I achieve with Facebook campaigns?

Typically, three main Facebook advertising goals are given, which are always achieved, although to varying degrees. And these are more areas than narrow categories. The first is awareness, recognition, image building and credibility. The second is related to the interaction, activity, actions, of users after contact with the message. This can be liking the published material, as well as visiting the company’s website. The possibilities for the recipient’s reaction are numerous. The third area of possible benefits can be generally referred to as conversions – these are specific user actions, more directly related to the purchase of your services or products.

Can I use an already published post, or bet on a new format, though?

Of course, you can choose to promote a ready-made post that has already functioned on your fanpage. However, the consequence of such a choice is that no changes can be made. This means that you will promote the material exactly as it was originally published. It is worth choosing to construct a new message – you then gain complete control over the content, headlines, link descriptions, or text in the button.

What is remarketing?

Remarketing is a renewed message, a contact with a recipient who has already interacted with your brand or your advertising message. It’s often an effective way to close the deal. In the case of Facebook Ads, a great tool related to remarketing, among other things, is the Facebook Pixel.

What is the Facebook Pixel?

The Pixel is an analytical tool that helps to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, or to reach customers – both new ones and those who have already shown the expected activity within the site.

Analysis is performed on the actions taken by users. The conclusions of these analyses are, colloquially speaking, at a pre

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