SEO copywriting – the art of words for sale
What is Copywriting and what distinguishes it from SEO Copywriting?
In the Polish language, in fact, there is no suitable word with which to replace the concept of copywriting. From the many available definitions, it is possible to draw a clou – copywriting is the writing of advertising, sales texts of a commercial nature. The purpose and audience group of the content is always important. Copywriting requires the author of the message to use language skillfully, including the principles of persuasion, knowledge of the needs of the audience and a kind of empathy. The concept of copywriting as such, applies to activities in both the real space and the Internet. It includes the creation of marketing content, such as slogans and advertising slogans, texts placed on information and promotional materials, i.e. on banners, flyers, brochures or catalogs, company names, texts for websites and social media profiles, and much, much more. But copywriting is also the creation of scripts of spots for radio and television and the dissection of advertising campaigns. The variety delights, but also provides an opportunity for activity for a wide range of writers.
SEO copywriting – different faces of content
Worth noting is the fact of the diversity of copywriting activities in the Internet space. Well, what is different will be the writing of the so-called “pretzels” (presell pages), and what is different even to dissect the script of an advertisement, or to write a good text in the field of SEO copywriting.
In the first case, a copywriter is a performer of a short text, usually up to 1,000 characters, intended not so much for readers as for Googling robots, containing key words or phrases, given by the client. Writing a text of this type should not cause major problems for a person with a reasonably good command of the Polish language. In the second case, copywriting is a stage of the artistic process – an act of creation or creation. So the copywriter is then a kind of artist. The third case is a combination of the previous ones – a copywriter of SEO content is a master of words and an architect of a message optimized for SEO in one.
One of the basic concepts in the field of copywriting on the Internet, is precisely SEO copywriting. Often SEO copywriting is primarily associated with the creation of texts oscillating around relevance – the more efficiently a search engine finds the phrases for which the text is optimized – the better. Although the focus of the writer is indeed on search engine algorithms, keywords and phrases, creating a text that is valuable in terms of content and meets the needs of the audience is undeniably important here. Good SEO content is that which combines optimization for the search engine with attractive and valuable material for the audience. In addition, this content should contain links and be provided in a visually appealing way (from graphics, text division and headings, to the use of, for example, bolding of important words or phrases).
The concept of SEO copywriting includes texts of various quality and form – from the above-mentioned “pretzels” (presell pages) to valuable expert texts, descriptive texts, etc., intended for a specific group of recipients.
The effectiveness of SEO copywriting should be evidenced, among other things, by better page rank. Thus, it is both an informational and promotional tool, as well as for positioning.
Copywriting – remote work not only after hours
The first months of the current year have significantly raised the profile of remote work. Both employers and employees and employees have probably felt how effective a remote form of work can be. What some are only just discovering through pandemic reality has long been clear, if only to copywriters and their principals. Copywriting remote work can successfully replace a traditional full-time job. Of course, it can also be treated as an additional one. It all depends on the time invested in this type of business, experience and the contacts that go with it. These factors determine both assignments and earnings.
SEO copywriting – where to get orders from and what kind of earnings to expect?
The primary issue in both the topic of assignments and earnings is the target size of the work and the associated enrichment of experience and growing competence. Initially, assignments can be sought on numerous portals, if only for freelancers (although these not infrequently charge commissions). Permanent cooperation with brands or participation in large projects is usually the result of experience gained over months or even years. First assignments should be treated primarily as gaining elementary experience, which will allow you to take the next steps more confidently. A less experienced copywriter can look for orders on portals like or, or even on Facebook. However, it’s worth trying your hand at first by working with local marketing agencies – the experience gained there may prove invaluable.
Working for an agency can also be remote, of course. When a slightly experienced adept copywriter decides to enter the industry “full time”, he can look for orders, if only by contacting a representative of a company whose website he observes and has ideas for improving its content. It is worth deciding at such a stage whether one wants to start his own business. The ability to invoice for assignments can sometimes have a decisive word when choosing a contractor.
Earnings in the Copywriting industry vary greatly. According to information on the portal, the median earnings of copywriters is 3900 PLN gross. However, this is the average amount earned by full-time copywriters. Because of the apparent ease of writing advertising texts, a relatively large number of people try their hand at this industry, often giving quotes for writing a text of 1000 characters with spaces counted in pennies, and this spoils the market, so to speak.
Good working skills, its constant polishing, efficient editing and editing of texts, but also being a well-read, creative, empathetic, disciplined and flexible person – these are just some of the elementary qualities that a copywriter should have.