
Marketing strategy

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Marketing strategy - a map on the road to success

Marketing strategy is nothing more than a response to the tasks facing a company in the production and sale of its product, service.

It is the basis of effective marketing and every company should have one. The basis for its creation is knowledge of your company and the market. With this data you can determine the market positioning and then connect all the company's processes together.

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Marketing strategy – a map on the road to success

A marketing strategy is an elaborate system of clearly defined actions to be taken in order to achieve the best possible results. It is no different for marketing strategy in the context of digital marketing.

When developing an online marketing strategy, none of the essential elements for it can be overlooked, such as defining the audience, designing the sales funnel, analyzing the activities of the competition, or examining the effectiveness of various online advertising channels. Measuring its effects and optimizing activities is also an integral part of a marketing strategy. One thing is certain – creating a strategy is not an easy or quick task, but a well-designed marketing strategy brings great benefits.

Internet marketing strategy

We are engaged in comprehensive development of marketing strategy for companies and individuals in the Internet area. We prepare action plans, outline visions, determine the direction and finally – we implement the various stages of the plan in close cooperation with you or your team, keeping in mind that only the synergy of activities gives the opportunity to achieve the intended and measurable results.

A marketing strategy contains a great many elements that ultimately affect success. From the establishment of the company’s most important assumptions and values, to the design of communication and graphic style for the information and values conveyed, ending with multi-stage advertising campaigns that are created in various communication channels.

Why develop a marketing strategy?

Action without a plan has little chance of success. No one knows – what we are doing, how we are doing it and why we are doing it, and as a result it becomes very problematic to scale your development. In fact, without writing down your goals and planning out the paths to achieving them, success is almost impossible. The larger the scale of the activities being carried out, the more elements need to align in order to take the next step forward.

One of the most essential elements of conducting marketing activities is analytics and drawing conclusions. For this it is essential to use advanced tools that allow us to monitor key indicators that tell us whether we are going in the right direction. There are many ways and tools to effectively measure the effectiveness of marketing activities. It is very important to set the right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that will help you achieve your strategic goals – if, of course, they are properly defined.

The first rule of a good online marketing strategy – define the goals

The objectives of the activities carried out can vary, but they should be specified. They are usually selected on the basis of individual expectations, based on previous analysis. It is important that the formulated goals are realistic, achievable and measurable within a certain time. Basic goals include increasing the number of customers acquired, increasing the number of visitors to the website, increasing the number of likes on social media, increasing the number of sales in the online store, as well as increasing the number of shares of published content or the percentage of newsletter opens.

Marketing strategy vs. building a brand and its image

The entirety of marketing strategy activities contributes to the overall image of a company, the improvement of which is usually necessary for the above goals – formed, for example, in the form of milestones – to be realized. Once again, we will emphasize the important role of the brand in an effective sales process. Today, we no longer buy just a product – we buy nice packaging, an inviting advertising slogan, an impressive advertising campaign and a brand story. Let’s take one of Coca-Cola’s ads as an example – the festive aura it usually heralds first in the media and the legendary truck that everyone knows well – are integral parts of the product.

Ultimately, we reach for the product in the store, but instinctively in our minds we form associations related to the brand and all the elements of its strategy mentioned above. The sum of all emotions and associations ultimately influences whether we reach for an item. It’s worth keeping this in mind when deciding to design your product experience.

Marketing strategy – essential components

Marketing strategy consists of two parts – analytical and strategic.

The first contains a range of information regarding the current state of affairs. In it we identify, among other things, the strengths and weaknesses of the brand, opportunities and competitive advantages, as well as the key activities that the company has undertaken so far or the most important communication channels. The basis is also to define the persona, or model audience for our product. Thanks to this information, we know to whom to direct our advertising campaigns, how to form the message and how to communicate with our audience. The better we know him and the more information we have about him – the better and more effective our actions will be. We also analyze current communication in social media and on the website. We compare activities to the competition and look for advantages.

The strategic part, on the other hand, is a series of planned activities to improve the brand’s position. In its case, we rely very much on the brand archetype, which illustrates to us how we should communicate, what are the strengths of the brand, what are its characteristics. The strategy we prepare also includes benchmarks, content plans, activation proposals, as well as sample posts and graphics. We develop plans for long-term implementation of ideas and prepare proposals for additional activations.

We also prepare performance marketing activities – these include ad targets, ad formats and targeting.

What tools do we use?

In our work we use tools such as SWOT analysis, Business Model Canvas or Lean Management and Kaizen. For monitoring and analytics, we use tools such as Brand24, Ahrefs, Senuto, Google Analytics, Google Search Console or HotJar. They are also essential at the stage of marketing strategy planning. They allow you to get information from multiple sources and build a wide-angle picture that you can continue to work on, based on measurable goals.

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  1. Objectives

    The marketing strategy will identify and concretize the main objectives, indicate the implementation plan and the tools needed to achieve them.

  2. Opportunities and threats

    With a well-developed strategy, you can focus on seizing opportunities and avoiding real threats. Analysis is the key.

  3. Save

    By investing in a marketing strategy, you save time and money, which are sometimes invested, for example, in ineffective, misguided advertising campaigns.

  4. Sales

    Out of the entire spectrum of benefits provided by the development and implementation of a marketing strategy, the increase in business profits should be singled out.

  5. Communication

    Defining the principles of communication between the company and its customers, promotes the construction of effective messages to specific audiences.


FAQFrequently asked

Why should I choose to develop a marketing strategy?

Running a for-profit business without developing a marketing strategy is somewhat like wandering in the fog. And seemingly to wander is human, and you can also learn a lot along the way. The question is, can you afford to keep trying activities that perhaps by their very nature can’t benefit you? And while it’s time that is the most valuable asset you lose by wandering around the marketing world, there’s no denying that it’s also a costly experience. In other words, a marketing strategy will allow you to act precisely and effectively.

Why should I identify my target audience?

In order for your message to reach your audience, it should be properly worded, precise and delivered through the right communication channel. And to achieve this, you need to know who you are talking to. A message directed to everyone, most often reaches no one – no one feels addressed by such a message.

Identifying the target audience allows a company to communicate effectively with its potential and existing customers.

What is the process of developing a marketing strategy?

The process of strategy building, for example, can be divided broadly into three stages: analytical, creative and based on the implementation of the plan, i.e. on specific actions. At the analytical stage, the situation in the market, in the industry, is studied in depth. Competitors, trends, products or services are analyzed. The analysis part also involves drawing conclusions and giving direction to plans and efforts to implement them. Creation, in a nutshell, involves building assumptions, goals, communication principles, including visual identity. The third stage means action, that is, translating theory into practice, relating the formulated principles to specific marketing activities. This is the stage of developing a plan for implementing the strategy, but also monitoring its effects.

The work on marketing strategy is time-consuming and requires many specific skills, involving specialists in at least several fields. However, these efforts are never in vain. Marketing strategy is usually what differentiates a brand from a company. If you want to become a brand – developing a marketing strategy is a must.

What does a marketing strategy translate into?

A marketing strategy is translated into almost every field of a company’s activity. It is a set of principles that organize operations and facilitate the targeting of precise and effective marketing messages.

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