
SEO for E-commerce

economic [re]volution

[re]action on audience needs

[re]definition of modern trade

E-Commerce - economic [re]volution is happening online.

E-Commerce means, most simply, electronic commerce (also often called e-commerce). It is a relatively young industry, but by far the fastest growing and evolving.

The term e-Commerce encompasses all business transactions that occur via the Internet. And although the most popular form of e-Commerce is online stores, the term also applies to all types of online auctions, e-banking, currency exchange, etc. Any e-Commerce activity, in order to bring the expected results, requires precision in action and planning of activities.

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Carolina Toyota Bielsko
Karcher Apeks
Orange Animations Studio
10 years





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E-Commerce – virtual transactions, real benefits and… sweat from the brow

You should design your online store with a view to constantly increasing sales and adding more functionality to grow. Don’t open an online store if you don’t have a sales and development plan prepared – the competition is too great for actions without a concrete plan to bring the desired results.

The market for online stores and online commerce is growing every year. The quarantine period related to the coronavirus has made the number of transactions made through store platforms increase even more. This is a clear signal that we are at the threshold of a revolution and a change in shopping habits. Many people, having made their first online purchase and accepted it along with the procedures and forms of payment, will be more willing to opt for this type of transaction. This, in turn, makes growth in the e-Commerce sector inevitable.

We are already witnessing the changes that are taking place in commerce around the world. Nor is it a coincidence that the richest man in the world – Jeff Bezos – today owns the world’s largest online store. This also indicates the direction in which the world is and will be heading.

What does this mean?

First and foremost is the fact that e-Commerce today is one of the best investments for companies that until now have only done stationary sales. It is the channel in which they should appear. The competition in most cases is already ther

However, just launching an online store is only the beginning of the online sales adventure. Referring to the above – competition is growing every day, due to the fact that today everyone recognizes the opportunities arising from the development of online sales. More online stores are springing up every day. Everyone wants to sell on the Internet, and the market responds – it expands every year. It is almost impossible to build a position on the Internet on your own today – and we – Re Bena Gesta Interactive Agency – respond to this.

What should we take care of to build a valuable e-Commerce?

There are several elements we should take care of if we want our online store to keep growing. At the start, we need to consider whether we want to use a subscription engine (so-called SaaS) or bet on a dedicated solution – WooCommerce, PrestaShop or Magento.

Ready-made store platforms very often have great limitations when it comes to editing individual components. This makes it impossible to work on optimizing the store and customizing individual components for the user, which in the long run negatively affects the possibility of increasing sales. Theoretically, they have teams of developers who are responsible for implementing changes, but in most cases – the software severely limits the scope of possible actions, and also the pricing of changes is very often high.

From our own experience, we recommend the latter option, due to the fact that it leaves open the possibility to edit many design elements and adjust them to current expectations. This is very important, considering how important an area of online store activities is analytics, focusing on UX and editing individual store elements for ease of user navigation. These elements have a significant impact on sales, as only continuous optimization – of the store and conversions, as well as performing A/B testing – can lead to a continuous increase in sales. The possibilities in this regard are almost endless, hence many large online stores have their extensive analytical departments, which focus primarily on optimizing conversions, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and increasing sales.

What elements are still important?

The elements that determine the amount of sales in an online store are many. These include the presence of attractive graphics, interesting descriptions, reliable technical specifications, different product variants, discounts, promotions or transaction security icons or a timer counting down to free shipping.

Our experience shows that adding one of the above options can increase conversions by as much as 0.5-1%, and this in large online stores is associated with an increase in sales of several or several thousand zlotys in revenue. A small change, and the effects are electrifying.

E-Commerce with Re Bena Gesta Agency. Why should you cooperate with us?

Seeing the growing needs of the e-Commerce market, we decided to launch a service that consists of a targeted increase in online store sales. It involves close, transparent cooperation to bring mutual benefits. We have always proceeded from the assumption that working with an external marketing department is really a “game of one-upmanship”, and as a result, common, measurable and achievable goals should be set.

Cooperation in the model of increasing sales in the online store assumes a base value of the marketing budget (e.g. PLN 5000), i.e. all the activities that we jointly consider important, and an additional commission on the increase in sales, after exceeding the threshold of basic fees (i.e. the value of the base marketing budget) and the equivalent of this budget, as the value of profit for you, as the store owner. For example, if at this moment the value of monthly sales is net PLN 10,000 and the marketing budget is PLN 5,000, the additional commission is calculated only from the moment you exceed the level of PLN 20,000.

The bonus provided for growth is a motivation to work together and a gas pedal for many positive changes over the course of the cooperation. It also communicates to you – as a customer – that we know what we are doing and are not afraid to take responsibility for our work. We value a proactive approach, because we realize how important this is for everyone who works with us.

As a result, you can be sure that you are entering into a cooperation that is transparent, reliable and based on solid foundations. We, in turn, can assure you that we will strive to make an impact – for our own satisfaction and mutual benefit.

The real jewel in the crown in the offer of our services is the creation of online stores – tailored to your individual needs, designed with the utmost care in terms of UX and UI, based on modern technology (React.js) – bringing the greatest possible benefits.

We invite you to cooperate with us – together we will revolutionize the face of the effectiveness of your online store.

  1. E-commerce marketing

    Maximizing profit while minimizing costs - this is the elementary premise of online sales. The efficiency of online stores is constantly analyzed and optimized on an ongoing basis.

  2. Key Performance Indicators

    KPIs - key performance indicators, performance measures that verify the effectiveness of past actions, determining the direction of future ones.

  3. Conversion

    An accomplished user action, e.g., a transaction, placing an order. Conversion illustrates the effectiveness of a strategy, advertising campaign or other activities to improve its rate.

  4. Conversion rate

    In an online store, the ratio shows the percentage of site visitors who made a purchase. It's a ratio of sales to hits, showing the effectiveness of marketing efforts, site structure, etc.

  5. ROAS i ROI

    These abbreviations stand for return-on-investment ratios, i.e. they show what the translation of outlays, costs incurred, e.g. for an advertising campaign, had on sales and the income derived from it.


FAQFrequently asked

Is the trend of dynamic development of the e-commerce market still on the rise?

Definitely yes. E-commerce is a relatively young industry, but already an important part of commerce as such. After the peak of the pandemic, the position of e-commerce has strengthened even more, which is confirmed by all kinds of statistics, if only on consumer changes.

Should I be concerned about the e-commerce supply chain? As an entrepreneur, what are my logistics choices?

This is an important question. First of all, due to the rapidly growing e-commerce industry, technologies, logistics methods are multiplying at a rapid pace. Nowadays, as a seller in an online store, you don’t even need to have your own warehouse! All thanks to the dropshipping model, which involves shipping goods to the customer directly from the manufacturer’s warehouse (bypassing the warehouse of the online store owner). Another option, for example, is just-in-time, which is a logistics model in which the owner stocks only the amount of goods that has been ordered by customers.

Does Re Ben Gesta offer comprehensive online store creation?

Of course. That’s our eye of the beholder. We create online stores with the best UX and UI Design, based on modern technology, ensuring, among other things, that a page loads instantly, even one with complex graphics. We design, create, implement, optimize – we act comprehensively. You will read more about it in the ReactJS Web Shops tab – where we will show you what you can gain by choosing us for cooperation.

We create extraordinary things with extraordinary people – this is not a slogan. It’s a given.

What is the difference between ROI and ROAS?

ROI tells us the amount of profit from a given investment (such as an advertising campaign). ROAS provides information about the return on the cost of advertising, but excluding other costs incurred in the implementation of the investment (it does not tell us about the real net profit).

How to calculate ROI and ROAS in the context of an advertising campaign?

We give below the formulas for calculating ROI and ROAS success rates. At the same time, we point out that it is not at all as simple as it may seem… Sometimes just determining the amount of profit derived from advertising is extremely problematic. In order for the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns to actually be meaningful, more attention should be paid to them.

ROI = profit from advertising campaign / total cost incurred for advertising x 100

ROAS = advertising campaign revenue / advertising campaign cost x 100

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