
Brand Communication Strategy – our recent implementations

Brand Communication Strategy – our recent implementations

One of our flagship products – brand strategy – has been very popular recently. We are seeing a significant increase in communication awareness, which translates into interest in our product, the main goal of which is:

  • selecting a brand archetype
  • determining the target group
  • determining the method and channels of communication
  • preparation of content proposals
  • proposing blog and newsletter topics
  • local and global benchmarking
  • Big Idea proposal
brand communication strategy
Example selection of a Brand Archetype within the Brand Strategy.

Recently, we have implemented a strategy for, among others, Bielsko Land, Escinea or Life on Patent, and there are several other projects in progress that we are implementing.

Thank you for your trust – we believe that with our guidance – the road will be more pleasant for you!

If you, too, feel that your messages could be clearer and more transparent, and the content more engaging and ever green (living in time) then contact us as soon as possible or schedule a free consultation with a full product presentation – we will prepare a dedicated brand strategy for you.