
EXPO XXI eCommerce Fair – Exposing [re]volations for the 21st century

EXPO XXI eCommerce Fair – Exposing [re]volations for the 21st century

That is, a few words about the Warsaw eCommerce Fair and our participation in itParticipation in trade fairs is always an opportunity for companies to confront their own resources with competitors’ proposals and customers’ expectations. It is also an opportunity to meet and work as a team. It is no different for the e-commerce industry. Although the natural space of this thriving industry is the Internet, it affects and shapes the material reality and everyday life of almost every (not only) consumer. E-commerce continues to grow, and the last 2 years of pandemic reality, to put it in a nutshell, have only reinforced investors’ belief in the viability of online stores.

Warsaw – the one-day capital of eCommerce

In October this past year, the EXPO XXI International Trade Fair and Congress Center in Warsaw organized a true festival of online commerce. The 20th edition of the eCommerce Fair brought together crowds of exhibitors and even more entrepreneurs interested in the subject, investors, people who want to bet on the development of their companies, new technologies and those who are simply curious to find space for e-commerce activities for them as well. In the alleys between the stands strolled and with curiosity explored new opportunities both those who have been in the industry for years and those who are just facing the decision to enter the world of eCommerce.Among the exhibitors there was no shortage of companies offering great solutions related to payments and product delivery, and of course – Internet marketing or e-commerce agencies. At the Warsaw eCommerce fair there was also us – the company Re Ben Gesta – a newcomer, which, despite not the largest stand – gathered and was able to intimidate the giants of the industry and those who came to the fair looking for signposts on their own business path.We had the opportunity to share with the participants our insights on the eCommerce market and show some of the solutions available in our offer, such as:

The eCommerce Fair, Re Ben Gesta and [re]welcoming React.js

eCommerce Fair

During the 20th edition of the eCommerce Fair, described by the organizers as the largest online sellers’ event in Central Europe, we had the opportunity to present our digital products to a wider audience, including a veritable “game changer” – thefastest online store, which creates a huge number of opportunities to appear and achieve great results (not only) in sales.

Every interested participant of the Fair could consult with our specialists – with the head and the technological director (chief programmer) in the lead. Instead of theories and messages dressed up in programming nomenclature, the participants of the Fair could see in black and white the difference in thespeed of loading pages – made by us and their own. The technology of building online stores, as web applications that load in three-hundredths of a second (!) and score 99 out of 100 in optimization tests, gives an indisputable advantage in efficiency over online stores whose technological face is based on common solutions. We, create online stores and focus on their development in terms of scaling sales. Our clients record increases of 300-500%.Based on thetechnological golden combo of React.js and Next.js, we create not only stores, but also the fastest websites.

Re Ben Gesta and eCommerce Fair – vouchers and association collecting

In addition to meeting and being able to see the difference in the speed of websites/webshops, we offered special vouchers to eCommerce Fair participants, which gave them a chance to use one of our services completely free of charge. To further meet the needs of the recipients, we asked them already at the stage of handing out the vouchers to indicate the service, the digital product they cared about the most. In exchange for the chance to provide a free service, we asked the participants of the Fair to share their first association with our name...We are aware that the name of our agency is sometimes perceived as quite difficult to remember after the first contact with it .Re Bena Gesta, meaning “having done the job well” is the idea and a kind of imperative for action – results are more important than words, and they are our calling card.At the first eCommerce Fair with our participation, we started collecting associations of the audience with the name Re Bena Gesta. Among the ones that come up frequently are:

  • prestige, luxury, elegance – this is the first group of associations
  • restaurant, good (often – Italian) food, coffee
  • Latin phrase, protest
  • good gesture
  • vacation after a job well done
  • rebel gangsta.

Re Ben Gesta Flyers

[re]assuming – [re]cept for success – [re]assuming eCommerce methods.

The eCommerce fair is behind us. We stood shoulder to shoulder next to the giants of the industry, and our super-fast online stores caused quite a stir. Using the example of the website of one of our clients (Abra Trade), we showed the participants of the Fair how their sites could work if they were based on the technology used to build the sites by us.

The potential for change, which was so clearly visible, allowed us to gather a queue at our stand (which does not happen too often at this type of event). Attendees interested in new solutions waited sometimes tens of minutes at a time to be able to confront their website/web store with the possibilities offered by Re Bena Gesta.