
SEO analysis – why should you go for it?

SEO analysis – why should you go for it?

SEO analysis is usually the first and also the basic diagnosis of the state of a website. We can compare SEO analysis to an examination at a doctor, who needs to perform it to determine the state of our health. It is an essential element on the road to improving the visibility and effectiveness of a website.

But from the beginning.

It is a process that aims to determine the current condition of a website, along with the most important areas in need of improvement and opportunities for promotion. The comments contained in the analysis are used, among others, by programmers, editors and others who are part of a team focused on improving the SEO quality of a website.

An important role of SEO analysis is also to make you – the recipient – aware of what is necessary to unleash the full potential of the website. It is important for you to be aware of the behind-the-scenes work that needs to be done – this is primarily about optimizing code, setting up proper redirects and organizing content. Familiarizing yourself with SEO analysis will help you understand what steps we will need to take and what your money will be spent on.

This is because sometimes clients are not aware of what their money is being spent on in the area of optimization or link buliding. A reliable SEO analysis allows you to increase awareness in this area and lay a solid foundation for further cooperation, based, for example, on linkbuilding, content marketing or copywriting – or an overall package.

For as we repeat to all those who work with us – modern SEO is a team game.

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There are several:

The preparation and subsequent implementation of SEO analysis is in most cases a milestone for the development of a website. In many cases, these actions make it possible to significantly increase traffic and contribute to an increase in position in the organic results.

Currently, one of the most important criteria for a website is to adapt it to the latest usability trends for search engines (as far as Google is concerned) and a design that allows the user to navigate the site in a simple and efficient manner (the so-called User Experience).

One of the most effective options is the use of a modern web development system, built as Headless CMS, about which you can read more on our site in the tab – fastest websites.

As a general rule, there are certain situations that particularly prompt you to perform an SEO analysis. However, even in cases where the activities carried out by agencies are effective – a look from the outside – can allow you to occupy a hitherto unknown area (for example, when it comes to portals for posting sponsored articles) or improve things that are not visible at first (usually in the code).

Thus, one can conclude that it always pays to perform an analysis. A fresh look always gives the opportunity to see something seemingly invisible. In life, it is very similar – auditing companies or training people to find potentials allows very often to increase efficiency.

If you are planning to create a website, an initial SEO analysis is an element that can save a great deal of work in later stages. Why? The correct structure of the site, along with planned internal linking and prepared content will allow you to conduct SEO processes in accordance with the methodology from the very beginning.

At the same time, activities at this stage help to safeguard the site against the occurrence of many problems. In many cases, it also allows to significantly reduce the cost of activities, especially looking at those spread over time.

This is the time when many site owners and agencies decide to use the services of an SEO specialist. These comments usually come down to reporting basic problems, such as keyword saturation or the presence of meta tags. SEO analysis at this stage is also very often oriented towards promotional opportunities on the Internet.

However, the implementation of SEO analysis at this stage involves a certain danger. It is the client’s budget, the funds of which in most cases are diverted to the creation of a website and possibly advertising. Failure to include the costs associated with the audit can lead to an inability to implement the initial SEO analysis on the website. Over time, you may even find that some of the information included is outdated, which will mean throwing money down the drain.

If you are wondering if you can combine the two – contact us and we will advise you on how to do it effectively.

This is definitely a good time to perform and then implement SEO analysis. In most cases, it coincides with the moment when the site is redesigned to a new look. It is also very common then to change the structure of the site to a more modern and comprehensive one. It is also common to merge several sites into one, thus creating a large portal.

This is the period when you can redefine the direction of your activities anew. An SEO analysis at this stage allows you to identify threats to your site and to create a list of new keywords that can be taken up after it is implemented. An audit in this form also allows you to check parts of the site or the most important keywords.

It happens that under the influence of excessive linking or excessive content in the form of duplicate content, for example, you can receive a filter from Google. SEO analysis at this stage will allow you to determine the reasons for receiving a filter, and will allow you to adjust the appropriate actions to get the site running smoothly again.

Regardless of whether the marketing activities were carried out by another agency or by the owner himself, or if they were not – it is necessary to conduct an SEO analysis. An important part of these activities is the creation of a promotional strategy, which will include, among other things, a competitor analysis, a visibility analysis and showing the current potential on the Internet.

Professional SEO analysis cannot be free. It’s too much work, knowledge and experience for a reliable report to be served at no charge. There are exceptions – like start-up agencies, or freelancers, collecting projects for a portfolio. Free SEO analysis – like anything free – carries some risks in the form of not completely reliable work or making incomplete changes.

The cost of SEO analysis starts at $499 for small sites. This converts to about 4-5 working hours that an SEO specialist must spend analyzing the site and all related factors.

The cost of a full SEO analysis, more widely known as an SEO audit for large sites reaches up to 5000-7000 PLN. It all depends on the size of the site and the scope of activities.

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SEO analysis will allow you to gain awareness of the current condition of the site. It will also allow you to clearly determine what elements should be implemented. At the same time, it should determine the steps that should be taken in the context of marketing activities.

An essential part of the entire auditing process is its implementation. Without it, it only constitutes a worthless document. The implementation of the audit should improve the position on the most important keywords, increase traffic from search results, or increase the return on investment.

The first effects of implementing SEO analysis are usually visible after a few weeks. They can be measured using popular tools such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console.

In the case of a full SEO audit – a document containing 40-50 pages of reliable information – we are dealing with information that provides a very strong foundation for the site’s strategy for the next few or several months.

Mathematics in this matter does not lie – if the initial SEO analysis costs 499 PLN and one of our leads is worth an average of 200 PLN (for example, in the case of dietary consultations), then we need to sell 3 consultations to make it profitable. With an average number of searches for the phrase Dietitian Bielsko of about 300, we need a conversion rate of 1%, which, with an optimized site and not even the highest position, should be a realistic minimum to achieve.

It’s worth knowing that this abbreviated SEO analysis does not take into account customers who return for further services. If out of five at least one comes back, it will show that the whole analysis process worked out even better financially.