
UX audit

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Anticipate opportunities and threats for the future

UX audit

A UX audit is an expert analysis that provides a comprehensive assessment of a given website.

It will evaluate it for compliance with the expectations, preferences or behavior of its users. A UX audit is the ideal solution to check whether a site meets the needs of its audience and show what can be done to make using it more convenient for potential customers.

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UX audit – [re]volue in customer interaction – a website for a medal

You got it! The optimization worked, the advertising brings results, the website gets traffic… But what’s this! Leads or transactions are stagnant! What’s wrong? Why are customers abandoning shopping carts and leaving the site? The answer to this fundamental question will provide you with a UX audit – a true usability test of your store or site. Improve sales, increase leads, raise conversions – we know how to do it!

Multiplying leads and sales – who is a UX audit for?

A UX/UI audit, together with an SEO audit, are practically reliable tools in improving the effectiveness of a website – fulfilling its business purpose. A UX audit is always worth opting for, although there are circumstances in which a UX/UI diagnostic is necessary. These are situations when:

UX audit – what is it all about and what is UX anyway?

A website, regardless of its nature, is designed to reach the customer, to achieve a business goal. In the case of an online store, the goal will be sales, and when we are talking about a service website, a lead in the form of an email or phone inquiry becomes the determinant. The effectiveness and usability of a website depends on its design – including visual design (a little more about the difference between UX and UI – below).

UX – User Experience – is the overall experience of visitors to a website. UX is both the user’s behavior and their needs in navigating the site. A UX audit, on the other hand, makes you aware of what influences the usability of a site so strongly, what makes viewers return to the same address, and how to design a site to make it attractive, intuitive to use, and thus – effective.

A UX audit is an analysis of the current interface in terms of its usability. It allows the detection of errors of varying degrees of criticality and proposes optimal solutions. Conducting a UX audit is strictly dependent on the experience of the auditor – for a UX audit to be a starting point for good changes, it must be conducted by a UX (and UI) expert.

Errors that can be identified and then resolved through a UX audit are most often in the form of logical errors, structural errors, communication errors, navigation errors, interaction errors and visual errors.

Did you know that even if your product is sensational and would certainly meet customers’ expectations, if you make it difficult to buy – you will simply lose? Poor UX/UI means making the shopping experience more difficult and hastens the abandonment of the site by the user, who is unable to finalize the order (e.g., by a poorly designed search engine that makes it impossible to find the item).

UX/UI audit – what issues does it cover? That is, about the fact that not only the appearance matters

During a UX/UI audit, elementary parameters of a website are analyzed, related to its appearance, adherence to usability interface design standards along with consideration of current trends, how to communicate with the user, etc.

The concept of design includes, not by coincidence, both issues of aesthetics and appearance, as well as usability – it is no different in the context of website design. The design of a website is intended to respond to the needs of users and their pains, so that the use of digital products should be easy, enjoyable and accessible to all, regardless of age, level of technology or disability.

The Yin and Yang of a website – UX and UI.

UX, as the name and definition itself implies, is concerned with the user experience – whether navigating a site is easy and enjoyable for the user. Closely related to UX is the term UI – covering more of the visual aspect of the site.

UI – User Interface – that is, everything the user uses to interact with the product; UI is the means by which the user interacts with the computer system. Just as a good joke does not need to be explained – so a good UI must be intuitive and not require explanation. The principle “by simplicity know the master” is as valid here as ever.

For a website to fulfill its purpose – it should be characterized by exemplary UX and no less good UI. These areas perfectly complement and complement each other. Simply put: UI Designer creates the product ready to use, and UX Designer studies the reactions of users, their experience of the product. Based on the results of the analysis, changes are made (UI), the effects of which are again observed (UX).

The UX audit offered by us – interactive agency Re Ben Gesta – naturally includes UI analysis. We act comprehensively, taking holistic care of the process of appearance and activity of brands on the Internet.


UX audit – areas of UX research

During a UX audit, three main areas are investigated:

A breakdown of the research areas of a UX audit is supplemented by issues related to identity, identification and the content of the site itself. A number of other issues, including purely technological ones, are also evaluated.

UX audit methodology

We use a suite of diverse methods to conduct a UX audit. The degree of their sophistication and the necessity to have knowledge from extensive fields reinforces our belief that a correct, reliable and comprehensive UX audit must be conducted by a UX expert – and this is what we offer.

Based on rich experience and extensive knowledge, we have developed a constantly updated UX audit methodology. It includes checklists, cognitive walkthroughs, as well as a number of advanced analyses based on heuristics.

[re]asuming – UX/UI audit

A UX/UI audit allows you to eliminate errors on a website, hindering it from fulfilling its main tasks. It’s a sophisticated analysis of the user experience, which is also determined by technological aspects. A UX audit makes it possible to diagnose errors and problems on a website, which translates into improving its usability and functionality – provided, of course, that the guidelines resulting from the UX audit are implemented correctly. Increasing the attractiveness, usability and intuitiveness of a website is at the same time increasing its conversion rate, user satisfaction and increasing sales.

A UX/UI audit requires an expert level of UX and UI knowledge and experience from the auditor conducting it. Our interactive agency offers your brand a UX/UI audit and its implementation at the highest level.

We do advanced analysis, reporting and recommendations, create graphics and website mockups, fix bugs, and make changes for good. You will see the effects yourself, but we still report them for you.

We are distinguished by our expert level of service, modern technological solutions, proprietary and unique methods of operation.

Our always well done work guarantees the success of your website.

  1. A thorough analysis of the website

    The UX analytical methodologies used, are based on heuristic analysis, cognitive wandering, checklist, or user testing, among others.

  2. Identification of strengths and weaknesses

    The stage of drawing conclusions from the analysis - it is necessary to both locate, identify problems with the usability of the website, and learn about its qualities in this regard.

  3. Laying out solutions to problems

    Develop a plan of suggested actions, the implementation of which will improve the usability of the website and, as a result, its effectiveness.

  4. Implementation of changes

    Turning theory into practice - applying a series of changes, suggested in the action plan, which will translate into an improvement in the state of the site's usability.

  5. Monitoring the effects

    That is, usability testing after the implementation of changes, observation, analysis and conclusions after the modifications are completed.


FAQFrequently asked

Does the UX Audit cover UI issues?

Yes. By opting for a UX Audit conducted by our agency, your site regardless of this type will be analyzed for usability from both the user side (UX – User Experience) and the program side (UI – User Interface).

Since UX Audit is about user experience, can I do it myself based on customer feedback?


Undeniably – comments and suggestions from your customers can contribute a great deal of valuable information. However, most of the website usability problems may relate to deeper issues that are not fully understood by the viewer. That’s why only a UX and UI specialist can perform a thorough audit and suggest good solutions to problems. The implementation of these solutions itself is the responsibility of yet other specialists.

Can a UX Audit be performed by a graphic designer?

Yes and no. Yes – if UX is part of its competence. Often, however, these are separate specialties – referring to and working together, but not identical.

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