
Click and action – about increasing conversions with Call to Action

Click and action – about increasing conversions with Call to Action

The latest trends in web design target efficiency. Today, in addition to original graphic design, distinctive content and a rich portfolio (check ours!), special attention is paid to website conversion, i.e. the number of visits that translate into the execution of a given action (min. with call to action buttons), which most often include making a phone call to customer service, or transferring to a sales landing page.

Of course – we can treat our website purely as a business card to present our past achievements and scope of work, but… is that actually the point? A website should be a structure that makes such a strong impact on the visitor that the visitor automatically wants to learn more about the business profile and the possible benefits to be gained for himself. It’s like fishing in unfamiliar terrain – we always want to sail further out to find out what size pike we can catch.

While the lake – size, depth, stocking – is often an unknown, the strategic distribution of call to action buttons is fully scalable.


There are plenty of case study examples on the Internet that confirm the importance of strategic CTA button placement.

Content Verve’s efforts are a case in point. Changing the caption from “Start your free trial” to “Start my tree trial” led to an increase in CTR (clicks to impressions) by as much as 90%!

And that’s just one word.

Call to Action – 3 simple steps to increase effectiveness

Click to action

1 Step – call to action in 1 pers. l. p.

One of the most effective forms of creating a call to action is to design it in the first person singular.

2 Step – call to action as a subtle call to action

The second important aspect is the lack of information about the need to do the work. This is because there are specific rules on the Internet – already a process consisting of a few clicks demotivates action. We live in a world where everything happens very quickly – we don’t want to spend our time online on multi-step processes. Most users are aware anyway that if they want to fill out a brief, several fields will need to be completed. By communicating this subtly with a call to action we increase our chances of success.

3 Step – strategically determine the positioning of your Call to Action

The third aspect that affects the effectiveness of a Call to Action is the reminder of the benefits of completing the offer. A good practice is to place the reminder (e.g., in the form of numerical benefits) close to the call to action button.

Example: Fill out the brief to increase your chances of getting the website of your dreams by 3 times!

How to check the effectiveness of a call to action setting?

Getting to the optimal level of conversions usually involves testing and proving individual solutions. It is worth remembering that each case is somewhat individual.

Where should you start in the case of Call to Action?

  • Setting up Call To Action in the first person
  • Adapting the Landing Page header to Call to Action
  • Aligning the text of the PPC ad with the CTA on the page
  • Listing the benefits under the Call to Action button
  • Changing the page’s menu elements to Call to Action

For optimal results, it’s a good idea to use tools such as Omniconvert or Optimizely, which allow you to examine conversions and many other factors in one go. with this in a subtle way using call to action to increase your chances of success.